Monday, 18 May 2009
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Mummy finally bought Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2. But only after exams then will I be able to read it........DARN...........
Monday, 11 May 2009
Yesterday Daddy brought us to watch X-Men Origins:Wolverine. Some parts were funny and some were dead serious. We came back near midnight and went to bed.
Today when I woke up I wanted to slack till afternoon but I couldn't . I was just too energetic. I ate breakfast of cake and went to the 3rd floor to do revision. Mummy asked me to do a test paper and revise on science. It was just sooooooooooooooooooooooo BORING!!! I'd blast my brains out if I had a gun!!!!!!
Friday, 8 May 2009
Yesterday a few people didn't come and some went home in the middle of class. At recess, Darren pissed me and Kelvin off. So we set a trap to get our revenge. I chased Kelvin in the direction of Darren and he would push Darren. But Darren found out and ran. But too bad for him. Kelvin used a soccer trick and stuck out his leg to trip Darren. He didn't really do a good job in hiding his trip though.... Darren fell but he didn't cut or bruise himself at all man! He went to a corner and sobbed for a while but we went to cheer him up. But when we went away I couldn't help but laugh behind the wall. You might say I'm cruel and shouldn't have planned this whole thing but he pissed me off first right?! Hes an IDIOT. He acts so tough but hes the shortest and second youngest in class.
Today at Floor ball we played Hockey instead. This year they combined the two sports together. I still prefer Floor ball since its easier to control. At class Clarence told me that if I wanted to be on the team then I had to be serious when playing the game. He also teached me how to shoot and dribble the ball. Recently I haven't been talking to Axel. Hes been talking to the dog(Darryl Lim). Why I call Darryl that? Because he always does stupid stuff to humiliate or get us into trouble. So I sang the most popular song between Clarence, Axel, Darryl, Kelvin and me. You know the song on TV that says:Yesterday.... All my friends went out to play......... You know that one?? We have our own version....:Yesterday......Axel's LJ fly away. Hee Hee....... You don't need to know what is LJ......Hee.....
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Today we had the jabs. It was on both arms. It was pain when the needle pierced the skin at first but it subsided after a while. We also had to take 2 very bitter droplets of medicine for Polio.
Sunday, 3 May 2009