Monday, 8 February 2010

On Saturday we celebrated nic's birthday and we gave him a surprise birthday party. We closed the sliding door and pulled the curtains, then we popped the party poppers just when he opened the door. He didn't really look so surprised because he saw Ge Ge. Then we went on to fight a G-rank Daimyo Hermitaur in our game Monster Hunter Freedom 2. Then our cousins came and Nic didn't get any presents like last year when he received a remote control car, a remote control helicopter and a Lego police set. All except the Lego was thrashed. Nic ascended the helicopter so fast it smashed on the ceiling and smashed again on the floor. A piece of the rotors flew off. The car was just those types where they say its reliable on the cover and make the car's body so shiny and nice looking and they put the price sky high(for me). If I had the receipt I would have took it back to toys R us and exchange it for the money then I could go and buy a PSP game.
Anyway there is a birds nest growing at grandpa's recliner chair and grandma says it could be grandpa.
I have cough and runny nose and an ulcer growing in my throat and it hurts whenever I swallow including my saliva

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